Case Study: Electronics
Cornick and Morris highlights performance and cost saving benefit of thermoplastic materials
A leading manufacturer of power tools and electric motors identified a need to replace its worn out 'Thermo-set' mould tools used to produce brush carriers from phenolic material. Despite being a simple looking component, a Brush Carrier is a high specification technical part of an Electric Motor.
The 'thermo-set' process and its subsequent post processing operations previously used to manufacture these parts can be extremely costly - Cornick and Morris successfully tendered for the tooling project using a thermo plastic design concept and was assigned onto a collaborative development project.
The project included an extensive design and consultation phase which involved Cornick and Morris working closely with the client to design and manufacture a series of prototype tools using several different thermo plastic materials.
Once the final specification had been agreed, full series tooling followed and production began in 2013. The new product met all of the technical aspects of the application and generated a net saving for the client in excess of £120,000 per annum.
To find out more about the different engineering materials used by Cornick and Morris, please visit our products page.

Thermoplastic materials provide a number of performance benefits when compared to the thermo set process, including high-impact resistance, remoulding capabilities and shrink resistance.
As a result we were able to develop both new versions of the mould tools and brush carrier product to a high quality which are in line with our client's design and performance specification – whilst delivering a signiicant cost saving.
Steve Cornick, Managing Director
Cornick and Morris
Malvern, UK